
Monday, March 11, 2013

New Polish!

Had a pretty crappy day today but it ended up getting better. Jason surprised me with a mall trip (he hates going to the mall, so it was nice to go and walk around and get out of the house for a while) and before we left he stopped in Sephora since he saw polish in the window display. 

After going through all of the nail polishes there he found a few polishes he liked. I didn't think we were going to get any but he ended up getting me 3 of the feathered ones.

I almost cried in the store because I've been wanting them but not wanting to spend the money on them and he picked them out himself so it makes them that much more special for me. I can't wait to try them out!


  1. Those look so pretty - I've heard they take a while to remove but I cannot wait to see how they look

    1. When I did them, they were much easier to come off than regular glitter. I have a picture of them over some grey but I have a horrible camera so the picture doesn't show their true beauty

  2. Those look cool, I love the bottle too! Cant wait to see swatches!
